Category Advice

Like most businesses in South Africa, when the possibility of a lockdown became a likely possibility, Steer & Co began preparing for business to continue with as little disruption as possible. Part of this preparation included taking as many marketing videos, of properties being advertised to let at that time, as possible.

Even once lockdown began, we have been assisted by helpful tenants still in occupation of properties available to let, who have taken videos for us to include in our online advertising. Some have offered to host "live tours" with specific prospective tenants who in normal circumstances would have arranged to view the property in person. These live tours have been facilitated by Steer & Co and hosted by the existing tenants at a predetermined, mutually-convenient time, usually using WhatsApp video call.

The result of this forward-thinking and ability to adapt is that over the last month Steer & Co have continued to let properties under our management, albeit with leases commencing when lockdown restrictions allow tenants to move.

The good news, therefore, for existing and potential new clients, is that we continue to service our clients and assist in generating a return on property owners' investments. The good news for prospective tenants in the market is that we continue to offer properties to let and solutions to progress in their search for a new home. Keep in mind that we intend also facilitating in-person viewings as soon as restrictions allow, in addition to the above-mentioned options. We hope that our innovation and eagerness to maintain traction will at least assist many prospective tenants in narrowing down options for themselves at this time.

Through our property management industry's representative bodies, we have submitted an appeal to be included under level 4 of the lockdown, to allow movement of tenants in and out of their leased properties, in line with their lease agreements. While we attempt to mitigate the losses for tenants and landlords owing to the Covid-19 virus outbreak, we're mindful of the importance of following the Government's guidelines and restrictions in a serious effort to curb the spread and devastation that this virus can bring. We will keep our tenants and landlords updated of any decisions made in terms of our status under level 4 of the lockdown.

Author: Teresa Hamilton

Submitted 28 Apr 20 / Views 1941